We are delighted you're interested in volunteering with BSH.

Whether you bring skills gained in your professional roles or from 'teamwork' or committee experience in other aspects of your life - perhaps just a passion and enthusiasm - there may be a role for you.

Please fill in the details below to submit your application. Some sections are optional.

Personal contact details

Please complete your details in full to enable us to contact you about your application.

(if applicable)
Vacancy applied for
About your experience and qualifications
Please include any personal or professional experience relevant to the role.
Have you sat on any committees previously? In what capacity? Was it a leadership role? What kind of committee was it?

If you have any previous committee experience, we're keen to know more about your role and how you contributed to the organisation by being a committee member.
Many roles may not require a publication history.

Please complete this section only if you feel it's relevant to the role for which you're applying.
Why have you applied to be on this committee, SIG or task force? (No more than 100 words).
Please refer to the Volunteers section of our Processing Notice for more information.
I confirm the information I have submitted above is true and accurate.